Monday, 29 June 2020

Pattern Ball - P.E.

We are learning to communicate and work as a team.
We worked out the pattern by helping each other and reminding each other who went.
Ball 1 - Chest pass
Ball 2 - Bounce pass
Ball 3 - rugby pass
To communicate we had to call each other's name.
I found it easy to making the pattern at the start.
I found it hard when the ball hit each other in the air.
Pattern Ball video.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Times tables

We are learning our times tables. 
We are learning 2 each week.
This week I am learning  4x2=8  5x2=10

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Hail mary

We are learning the Hail mary sign language.
We found it tricky to do the actions.
We found it easy to record the video
My digital learning object show that I can make a video. 

Friday, 12 June 2020


In Writing we are doing explanations.
We are learning to use paragraphs.
I found it easy to write about the experiments.
I found it tricky to spell.
Next time I would write more.

Gravity is a force that keeps us on the ground when we jump.Its like invisible super glue, you can’t see it but it's always there.Boinks are like chinese finger traps, but they're stringy and fun. Dropper poppers actual self. Force is an action acting against an object.We did Dropper popper in class. We dropped them and then the ping pong ball went up into the air.Gravity brought it back down.The boinks went up when you squeeze them.Then went down.No matter where the ball goes it's going down                                

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Trinity sunday

Trinity means three in one. The father the son and the Holy spirit. The flesh is like Jesus. He nourishes us.  The skin is like God because  He protects us like skin protects us like skin protects the apple.
The seed are like the Holy Spirit planting the fruits of the spirit in us.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Blinging my Blog

Today we are learning how to change to the new blogger, and design the background of our blogs. It was fun and exciting'  the textures were colourful, I choose a mixture of colours because it looked colourful and I really liked the colours. We learnt how to change the header and background to our Koru art.

Here is a screenshot of what my blog looks like now.

Before I changed my header 

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


We are learning about Pentecost,  Jesus and is 12 his disciples were talking in a house. The flames came down and rested on their heads. They started to talk in different languages. Everyone could now understand them talking about Jesus.
The dove represents the Peace of the Holy Spirit. The flames represent the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
I enjoyed voice typing, because it was fast and easy. I found it hard to draw the dove.